Pantry Information
One Saturday a month, the Food Pantry is open to registered guests only from 10-11:45 am.
Use the sign up links (dates) at the bottom of this page to register. Please read the following before signing up:
* Use one time slot per family (different addresses).
* If you are picking up for more than one family, add a second sign up spot. Unregistered guests will not receive groceries.
* Registration opens on the 1st of the month.
*At pantry you will be provided with 25-45 pounds of groceries along with the option to choose meat, produce, protein options, and other items we have available.
Every Tuesday the church is open from 10 - noon for anyone who needs groceries. Ring the gray doorbell on the right side of the door. No prior registration is needed.
This is a pantry for registered clients only.
If registration is full, please come on Tuesday.
This is a pantry for registered clients only.
If registration is full, please come on Tuesday.
Come to the church on Tuesdays from
10-noon to receive groceries.